Delivering Our Traditionally Tasty Flavors!

About Us

Our History

Aracelys and Geovanny’s story unfolded in a quaint kitchen where the aroma of spices and the sizzle of pans filled the air. The couple started their culinary adventure by teaching Sunday School to a group of energetic and curious children in their community. The children quickly grew fond of the couple’s warm personalities and the casual treats and snacks they would prepare for their students as a delightful surprise each week. As the aroma of freshly baked goods and simmering stews wafted through the Sunday School room, the students affectionately began to refer to Araclys and Geovanny as “Tios” – the Spanish word for Uncle and Aunt. The endearing term not only reflected the familial bond that had formed between the couple and their students but also served as a testament to the love and gratitude the children felt for the lessons imparted and, of course, for the delicious treats that had become a cherished part of their weekly gatherings. The popularity of “Tios” treats began to spread beyond the Sunday School room. Parents, drawn in by the tantalizing scents and stories of their children’s joyful experiences, started expressing interest in Araclys and Geovanny’s culinary creations. It wasn’t long before the couple realized they had stumbled upon something truly special.

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Los Tios

As the years passed, “Tios” became more than just a restaurant; it became a symbol of the couple’s dedication to their community, their passion for cooking, and the bonds formed through shared meals and memories. Araclys and Geovanny’s humble beginnings as Sunday School teachers had blossomed into a thriving family-owned restaurant, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and taste buds of those who walked through its doors.

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You can enjoy our products from the comfort of your home or office. Explore our menu and place your order. We will take it directly to your door.

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